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Women juggle between many roles at home and in the work place, with an incessant spirit of optimism and confidence. But as is of optimism and confidence. But as is the case with any human being, as age approaches, ailments slow us down.Arthritis is one such disease that has affected many women. It is a form of joint disorder which causes pain and inflammation in the knee joint, that restricts physical movement and in some cases, may cause complete immobility .Arthritis is degenerative disorders which affect almost all the joints starting from knees, hip to shoulder and elbow. The most troublesome jointcommonly affected joint among these is the knee joint. To address this ailment, a technological innovation of knee replacement has brought new hope for a pain free normal life and many orthopaedic implants are available in the market.
Certain researches have revealed that there are significant differences between male and female anatomy . This knowledge challenges the use of similar implants for both men and women.Implants used for men would not provide optimal fit in terms of size and shape for female patients, increasing chances of pain and decreased mobility even after surgery . It may be one of the reasons for slower post-operative recovery for female patients. With the advent of newer knee implants, the surgeon has found it very easy to find the right matchfit for their patient. “One total knee implant does not satisfy need for all patients. Perfect fit of implant is essential for the success of a knee replacement surgery . Surgeons worldwide have felt that female and certain cultural populations require different knee implant as per their anatomic proportions. The gender specific knee implant has provided a revolutionary technology originally designed for females, whereby patients can get more natural movements and early recovery because of the implant's proportionate anatomy . In my experience, such knee implants have been giving consistently excellent results owing to a better fit, minimally invasive technique and early recovery using the same surgical technique,“ said Dr Hrushikesh Saraf, Consultant Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement surgeon, Karve Road, Pune.

Source: Dr.Hrushikesh Saraf "The Right Knee Implant Makes All The Difference", Times of India (Pune) 12th August, 2017 Lifestyle 10.

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